How I Regrow My Hair Back

As someone who has struggled with hair loss, I know how frustrating and disheartening it can be. However, after years of trial and error, I have finally found a routine that has helped me regrow my hair. In this post, I will be sharing my experience and the steps I took to regrow my hair.

Last year, was probably one of the most challenging years for me. So many things happened, and it made my body overwhelmed and it caused a lot of hair loss on me. And it made me feel worse. I lost confidence and felt like the world is going to end. As you can see

Living in survival mode—not eating mindfully, dissociating from myself, and not exercising regularly, resulting in nutritional deficiencies & hormonal imbalances. And it leads to a lot of hair loss.

After months of survival, and some healing practices (you can read it here: How I Deal With Mental Breakdown And Get My Life Back), I started taking care of myself. I learned how to regrow my hair back. I even visited one of the most famous hair treatment centers, and it made me feel worse (again) because the doctors were not helpful, and let me down by saying, “Your hair will never grow again. It’s your DNA.”

While I was searching for a cure for my hair loss, I encountered an ad on my IG story. It was Sarah Anabella. She has beautiful and long hair, and she offered a 14-day challenge. It was affordable so I decided to join the challenge. Honestly, I thought that it was like a scam, and it won’t work for me.

But I was wrong.

I gained so much knowledge about hair. And I wish I knew before. I wish everyone knew about this!

Read more about Honest Review of Sarah Anabella’s 14-Day Hairqare Challenge

There are many things I don’t know about myself. And by joining this challenge, I learned things about myself better. And Sarah taught me how to create our own shampoo. The shampoo is super affordable and easy to make. It took around three months for me to grow my hair.

Please note that every person might have different results. It could be faster or slower. Believe that you can is important!

It’s not easy for me to write this. I was unsure whether I should write this or not. But then I remember this might help others who have the same problem as me.

My new hair routine

Ever since I understand my hair better, I create a new routine for hair care like this:

  • Start with detangling & pre-poo

  • Using homemade shampoo

  • Silicone free conditioner

  • Hair serum or sealant

Please note that every people has their own unique hair profile. My routine might not be the same as yours. I have thin, wavy, high-porosity hair with a sensitive scalp and I live in a very humid environment. My hair routine changes depending on my current condition. For example, if the weather is too humid, I might avoid a lot of products as my hair will be so frizzy if I put too many products.

Don’t buy any new hair care products (yet)

Hair products are not the only things you should consider when growing your hair back. You should know that the cause of hair loss is stress. And it would help if you addressed the stress before focusing on finding the right hair products.

This is the most important thing: Reduce your stress level, before buying any new hair fall treatment products. I can guarantee that those products won’t work.

Hair loss is a sign that your body try to tell you something needs to be addressed. So, listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Maybe you’re having something a lot on your mind or are you repressed any emotions?

You know it’s totally fine to seek help when you’re stressed. Find a therapist, and do some yoga and meditation. Personally, I think mindfulness is the key to reducing hair loss.

After addressing the stress, don’t forget about your diet and exercise (mentally & physically).

When we’re stressed, we tend to not eat mindfully. We eat anything to survive. We didn’t think about nutrition. And this would lead to hair loss.

Physical exercise is also important when you want to grow your hair back. It doesn’t have to be a high-intensity workout. Choose an exercise that you love and enjoy. Personally, I love walking and pilates. I use Melissa Wood Health as a part of my daily physical exercise routine.

There’s no one size fits all. You should find methods that work for you. For me, growing my hair back is a journey to know myself better than before. It’s a part of self-love. 💕❤️✨

I’m so happy to see the progress of my hair. My hair is not just growing but it’s more beautiful & healthier now. It might be not perfect for others, but it was great for me to have hair like this.

Whatever your problems are, please remember that you should be kind to yourself before others. And I do hope every people who struggle to grow their hair back will find the best practices that will help them.

I would like to know your experience with growing your back or hair loss. Please let me know through comments or email if you have something to share to help others!

Winny Irmarooke

Trying to live sustainably.

Nostalgic Trip To Bromo


Honest Review of Hairqare’s 14-Day Challenge